Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
"{message}" on line {line} of {file}. | "{message}" on line {line} of {file}. | Details | |
"{message}" on line {line} of {file}. "{message}" on line {line} of {file}.
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Beaver Builder caught the following JavaScript error. If Beaver Builder is not functioning as expected the cause is most likely this error. Please help us by disabling all plugins and testing Beaver Builder while reactivating each to determine if the issue is related to a third party plugin. | Beaver Builder caught the following JavaScript error. If Beaver Builder is not functioning as expected the cause is most likely this error. Please help us by disabling all plugins and testing Beaver Builder while reactivating each to determine if the issue is related to a third party plugin. | Details | |
Beaver Builder caught the following JavaScript error. If Beaver Builder is not functioning as expected the cause is most likely this error. Please help us by disabling all plugins and testing Beaver Builder while reactivating each to determine if the issue is related to a third party plugin. Beaver Builder caught the following JavaScript error. If Beaver Builder is not functioning as expected the cause is most likely this error. Please help us by disabling all plugins and testing Beaver Builder while reactivating each to determine if the issue is related to a third party plugin.
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Error! Please enter a valid year. | Error! Please enter a valid year. | Details | |
Error! Please enter a valid year. Error! Please enter a valid year.
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Error! Please enter a valid month. | Error! Please enter a valid month. | Details | |
Error! Please enter a valid month. Error! Please enter a valid month.
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Error! Please enter a valid day. | Error! Please enter a valid day. | Details | |
Error! Please enter a valid day. Error! Please enter a valid day.
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Drop a row layout or module to get started! | Drop a row layout or module to get started! | Details | |
Drop a row layout or module to get started! Drop a row layout or module to get started!
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Duplicate Layout Duplicate page/post action label. | Duplicate Layout | Details | |
Duplicate | Duplicate | Details | |
Save Draft | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Do you really want to discard these changes? All of your changes that are not published will be lost. | Do you really want to discard these changes? All of your changes that are not published will be lost. | Details | |
Do you really want to discard these changes? All of your changes that are not published will be lost. Do you really want to discard these changes? All of your changes that are not published will be lost.
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WARNING! You are about to delete a global template that may be linked to other pages. Do you really want to delete this template and unlink it? | WARNING! You are about to delete a global template that may be linked to other pages. Do you really want to delete this template and unlink it? | Details | |
WARNING! You are about to delete a global template that may be linked to other pages. Do you really want to delete this template and unlink it? WARNING! You are about to delete a global template that may be linked to other pages. Do you really want to delete this template and unlink it?
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Do you really want to delete this row? | Do you really want to delete this row? | Details | |
Do you really want to delete this row? Do you really want to delete this row?
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Do you really want to delete this module? | Do you really want to delete this module? | Details | |
Do you really want to delete this module? Do you really want to delete this module?
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