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1 Comment | 1 komentar | Details | |
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Video Link | Video Link | Details | |
Lightbox Content | Lightbox sadržaj | Details | |
ERROR! We were unable to connect to the update server. If the issue persists, please contact your host and let them know your website cannot connect to | GREŠKA! Nismo u mogućnosti povezati se na server za ažuriranje. Ako se ovaj problem i dalje javlja, molimo kontaktirajte vaš host i recite im da se vaša web stranica ne može povezati na | Details | |
ERROR! We were unable to connect to the update server. If the issue persists, please contact your host and let them know your website cannot connect to GREŠKA! Nismo u mogućnosti povezati se na server za ažuriranje. Ako se ovaj problem i dalje javlja, molimo kontaktirajte vaš host i recite im da se vaša web stranica ne može povezati na
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More | Više | Details | |
Enable Audio | Omogući audio | Details | |
A video in the MP4 to use as the background of this row. Most modern browsers support this format. | Video u MP4 formatu za korištenje kao pozadina ovog retka. Većina modernih preglednika podržava ovaj format. | Details | |
A video in the MP4 to use as the background of this row. Most modern browsers support this format. Video u MP4 formatu za korištenje kao pozadina ovog retka. Većina modernih preglednika podržava ovaj format.
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YouTube or Vimeo | YouTube ili Vimeo | Details | |
If you can't find an answer, feel free to <a href="%s" target="_blank">send us a message with your question.</a> | Ako ne možete naći odgovor, slobodno nam <a href="%s" target="_blank">pošaljite poruku s pitanjem.</a> | Details | |
If you can't find an answer, feel free to <a href="%s" target="_blank">send us a message with your question.</a> Ako ne možete naći odgovor, slobodno nam <a href="%s" target="_blank">pošaljite poruku s pitanjem.</a>
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There's a whole lot more, too! Read about everything else on our <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">update post</a> or <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">change logs</a>. | Ovdje je toga puno više, također! Pročitajte našu <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">objavu o ažuriranju</a> ili <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">zapise o promjenama</a>. | Details | |
There's a whole lot more, too! Read about everything else on our <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">update post</a> or <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">change logs</a>. Ovdje je toga puno više, također! Pročitajte našu <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">objavu o ažuriranju</a> ili <a href="%2$s" target="_blank">zapise o promjenama</a>.
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There was an error subscribing to MailerLite. The account is no longer connected. | Došlo je do greške prilikom pretplate na MailerLite. Račun nije povezan. | Details | |
There was an error subscribing to MailerLite. The account is no longer connected. Došlo je do greške prilikom pretplate na MailerLite. Račun nije povezan.
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Found in your MailerLite account under Integrations > Developer API. | Pronađite u vašem MailerLite računu pod Integracije > Developer API. | Details | |
Found in your MailerLite account under Integrations > Developer API. Pronađite u vašem MailerLite računu pod Integracije > Developer API.
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A comma separated list of tags. | Zarezom odvojen popis oznaka. | Details | |
A comma separated list of tags. Zarezom odvojen popis oznaka.
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