Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The order of the columns in this group when they are stacked for medium and small devices. | The order of the columns in this group when they are stacked for small devices. | Details | |
The order of the columns in this group when they are stacked for medium and small devices. The order of the columns in this group when they are stacked for small devices.
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Select Template | Selected Templates | Details | |
Left & Right Sidebar | Left & Right Sidebar | Details | |
There was an error subscribing to MailerLite. | There was an error subscribing to ConvertKit. | Details | |
There was an error subscribing to MailerLite. There was an error subscribing to ConvertKit.
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Your API key can be found in your GetResponse account under My Account > API & OAuth. | Your API key can be found in your GetResponse account under My Account > GetResponse API. | Details | |
Your API key can be found in your GetResponse account under My Account > API & OAuth. Your API key can be found in your GetResponse account under My Account > GetResponse API.
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You must <a%1$s>create an app</a> in iContact to obtain an app ID and password. Please see <a%2$s>the iContact docs</a> for complete instructions. | You must <a%s>create an app</a> in iContact to obtain an app ID and password. Please see <a%s>the iContact docs</a> for complete instructions. | Details | |
You must <a%1$s>create an app</a> in iContact to obtain an app ID and password. Please see <a%2$s>the iContact docs</a> for complete instructions. You must <a%s>create an app</a> in iContact to obtain an app ID and password. Please see <a%s>the iContact docs</a> for complete instructions.
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There was an error retrieving your lists. | There was an error retrieveing your lists. | Details | |
There was an error retrieving your lists. There was an error retrieveing your lists.
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Error: You must provide an API Key. | Error: You must provide an Access Key. | Details | |
Error: You must provide an API Key. Error: You must provide an Access Key.
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There was an error connecting to Brevo. Please try again. | There was an error connecting to SendinBlue. Please try again. | Details | |
There was an error connecting to Brevo. Please try again. There was an error connecting to SendinBlue. Please try again.
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There was an error subscribing to Brevo. The account is no longer connected. | There was an error subscribing to SendinBlue. The account is no longer connected. | Details | |
There was an error subscribing to Brevo. The account is no longer connected. There was an error subscribing to SendinBlue. The account is no longer connected.
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%1$s is currently active for this %2$s. The first %s stands for custom branded "Page Builder" name. The second %s stands for the post type name. | %s is currently active for this %s. | Details | |
%1$s is currently active for this %2$s. %s is currently active for this %s.
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Switching to Text Editor mode will disable your %1$s layout until it is enabled again. Any edits made while in Text Editor mode will not be made on your %1$s layout. Do you want to continue? %s stands for custom branded \"Page Builder\" name. | Switching to Text Editor mode will disable your %s layout until it is enabled again. Any edits made while in Text Editor mode will not be made on your %s layout. Do you want to continue? | Details | |
Switching to Text Editor mode will disable your %1$s layout until it is enabled again. Any edits made while in Text Editor mode will not be made on your %1$s layout. Do you want to continue? Switching to Text Editor mode will disable your %s layout until it is enabled again. Any edits made while in Text Editor mode will not be made on your %s layout. Do you want to continue?
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Getting Started - Building Your First Page | Getting Started - Building your first page. | Details | |
Getting Started - Building Your First Page Getting Started - Building your first page.
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Ready to start building? Add a new page and jump into Beaver Builder by clicking the Launch Beaver Builder button shown on the image. | Ready to start building? Add a new page and jump into Beaver Builder by clicking the Page Builder tab shown on the image. | Details | |
Ready to start building? Add a new page and jump into Beaver Builder by clicking the Launch Beaver Builder button shown on the image. Ready to start building? Add a new page and jump into Beaver Builder by clicking the Page Builder tab shown on the image.
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Share a project, ask a question, or just say hi! For news about new features and updates, like our <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook Page</a> or follow us <a href="" target="_blank">on Twitter</a>. | Come by and share a project, ask a question, or just say hi! For news about new features and updates, like our <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook Page</a> or follow us <a href="" target="_blank">on Twitter</a>. | Details | |
Share a project, ask a question, or just say hi! For news about new features and updates, like our <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook Page</a> or follow us <a href="" target="_blank">on Twitter</a>. Come by and share a project, ask a question, or just say hi! For news about new features and updates, like our <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook Page</a> or follow us <a href="" target="_blank">on Twitter</a>.
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