Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Let's Get Building! | 让我们开始建造吧! | Details | |
Once you're finished, click the Done button to publish your changes, save a draft or revert back to the last published state. | 完成后,单击“完成”按钮发布您的更改、保存草稿或还原到最后一次发布的状态。 | Details | |
Once you're finished, click the Done button to publish your changes, save a draft or revert back to the last published state. 完成后,单击“完成”按钮发布您的更改、保存草稿或还原到最后一次发布的状态。
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Publish Your Changes | 发布您的更改 | Details | |
The Tools button lets you save a template, duplicate a layout, edit the settings for a layout or edit the global settings. | “工具”按钮让您保存模板、复制布局、编辑布局设置或编辑全局设置。 | Details | |
The Tools button lets you save a template, duplicate a layout, edit the settings for a layout or edit the global settings. “工具”按钮让您保存模板、复制布局、编辑布局设置或编辑全局设置。
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Helpful Tools | 有用的工具 | Details | |
Use the Templates button to pick a new template or append one to your layout. Appending will insert a new template at the end of your existing page content. | 使用“模板”按钮选择一个新的模板或将模板附加到您的布局中。附加将在您现有网页内容的末尾插入一个新的模板。 | Details | |
Use the Templates button to pick a new template or append one to your layout. Appending will insert a new template at the end of your existing page content. 使用“模板”按钮选择一个新的模板或将模板附加到您的布局中。附加将在您现有网页内容的末尾插入一个新的模板。
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Change Templates | 更改模板 | Details | |
Use the Add Content button to open the content panel and add new row layouts, modules or widgets. | 使用“添加内容”按钮打开内容面板并添加新的行布局、模块或小组件。 | Details | |
Use the Add Content button to open the content panel and add new row layouts, modules or widgets. 使用“添加内容”按钮打开内容面板并添加新的行布局、模块或小组件。
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Add More Content | 添加更多内容 | Details | |
Use the action buttons to perform actions such as moving, editing, duplicating or deleting rows, columns and modules. | 使用操作按钮执行移动、编辑、复制或删除行、列和模块的操作。 | Details | |
Use the action buttons to perform actions such as moving, editing, duplicating or deleting rows, columns and modules. 使用操作按钮执行移动、编辑、复制或删除行、列和模块的操作。
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Move your mouse over rows, columns or modules to edit and interact with them. | 将您的鼠标移动到行、列或模块上以进行编辑和互动。 | Details | |
Move your mouse over rows, columns or modules to edit and interact with them. 将您的鼠标移动到行、列或模块上以进行编辑和互动。
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Edit Content | 编辑内容 | Details | |
Add new content by dragging and dropping modules or widgets into your row layouts or to create a new row layout. | 通过将模块或小组件拖放到您的行布局中以添加新的内容,或创建一个新的行布局。 | Details | |
Add new content by dragging and dropping modules or widgets into your row layouts or to create a new row layout. 通过将模块或小组件拖放到您的行布局中以添加新的内容,或创建一个新的行布局。
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Add multi-column rows, adjust spacing, add backgrounds and more by dragging and dropping row layouts onto the page. | 通过将行布局拖放到网页中来进行添加多列行、调整间距和添加背景等操作。 | Details | |
Add multi-column rows, adjust spacing, add backgrounds and more by dragging and dropping row layouts onto the page. 通过将行布局拖放到网页中来进行添加多列行、调整间距和添加背景等操作。
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Add Rows | 添加行 | Details | |
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